Julio Marmol Corbacho (he/him)

BD & Diversity Manager

Julio Marmol Corbacho started at FilmDoo as a content acquisition officer and transitioned into an Ed-tech partner and is currently BD & Diversity Manager for DooDiversity.

Born and raised in Venezuela from a Spanish family and having lived in over 6 different countries, Diversity, Equality, and Inclusión have been at the forefront of both his professional and personal life. He studied Film Production and has a master’s in International Media Business, and started his career as an assistant director, working his way into the production field and business development sector.

As a former language teacher and current film and video producer, he is a big believer in the power of media to educate, raise awareness and create meaningful change.

Learn more on FilmDoo’s website.

Find Julio on LinkedIn or Twitter.